Berlin and the 6 day drive to Mountain Home, Idaho

I was busy every single day while we were in Wisconsin checking on my Dad. We arrived on Sunday and surprised him with a visit. I am grateful to the staff of Patriot Place for being proactive in stopping the spread of COVID. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get in to see him. Monday, Dad and I had an appointment with Social Security to apply for my Mom's death benefit and we had to get paperwork filled out to get her last Social Security payment. Tuesday, Dad had an appointment with an audiologist. Although he has tried hearing aids before I felt he needed to see all the options and find one that would be best for him. He doesn't do well with technology and his fingers don't work well to get the smaller hearing aids in. Wednesday morning he had an appointment to see the Nurse Practitioner to get his ears flushed. Thanks to my sister for finding an open appointment to get this done while I was still there. The audiologist couldn't do impression for a molded heari...