Carlsbad Caverns, NM - 2024

Our next stop was Carlsbad Caverns. We arrived late Friday afternoon after stopping to check out Gaudalupe Mountains National Park. We had reservations for a tour Saturday morning. On our drive out to the Cave we saw some barbary sheep. These are non-native originally from North Africa and first appeared in 1959. It is thought that the herd probably escaped from a private ranch in the Hondo Valley of New Mexico. We toured Carlsbad Caverns in the spring of 2021 and enjoyed it just as much the second time. There are so many different formations. The Natural Entrance The walkway down into the cavern. There are so many different formations. One thing we didn't get a chance to do in 2021 is watch the bats fly out of the cavern at dusk so we made sure to see it this time. The park has 17 different bat species however, the large colony of Brazilian free-tailed bats are what wow the visitors every evening from spring through fall with their outflights. The best way I found to get a still ...